be (b) v. First and
third person singular past indicative was (wz, wz; wz when unstressed),
second person singular and plural and first and third person plural past
indicative were (wûr), past subjunctive were, past participle been (bn),
present participle be·ing (bng), first person singular present indicative
am (m), second person singular and plural and first and third person plural
present indicative are (är), third person singular present indicative
is (z), present subjunctive be. v. intr. To exist in actuality; have life
or reality: I think, therefore I am. To occupy a specified position: The
food is on the table. To remain in a certain state or situation undisturbed,
untouched, or unmolested: Let the children be. To take place; occur: The
test was yesterday. To go or come: Have you ever been to Italy? Have you
been home recently? Usage Problem. Used as a copula in such senses as:
To equal in identity: “To be a Christian was to be a Roman” (James Bryce).
To have a specified significance: A is excellent, C is passing. Let n
be the unknown quantity. To belong to a specified class or group: The
human being is a primate. To have or show a specified quality or characteristic:
She is lovely. All men are mortal. To seem to consist or be made of: The
yard is all snow. He is all bluff and no bite. To belong; befall: Peace
be unto you. Woe is me.
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