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Three out of Four:

It is a well known fact that roughly 75% of all people do not like to answer questions. The main reason people avoid answering questions is that most at an early age were humiliated by their third grade geography teacher. This along with a deep fear of being wrong leads most of us to simply avoid answering questions. Some helpful tips when answering questions: Mispronounce a word and then chuckle, distracting everyone from the fact that you have no idea on what the answer to a question is. Some popular words to choose from: misunderestimate, and sublimidable. These are belly achers and certainly will clear the air for a few minutes. Other tactics include smirking, wacky eyes and expressing anger. If you use these tricks, you are certain to please any crowd. Good luck!

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electronic postcards Don't discuss yourself, for you are bound to lose; if you belittle yourself, you are believed; if you praise yourself, you are dis- believed. -Michel de Montaigne, essayist (1533-1592)
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Two out of Three people prefer sugar over salt.



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