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Top Nine Questions of the month:


Q: What are you New Year resolutions A: I want to be happier.



Q: Are you happy now? A: Yes


Q: What will make you happier? A: Becoming more fully self actualized


Q: Did you like Lord of the Rings?? A: Yes a must see!


Q: Why is the world so crazy? A: Too many people are oppressed


Q: Will the stock market recover? A: It always does


Q: Will you? A: Yes, I will


Q: What do you think? A: You are beautiful


Q: Can I talk with you? A: Drop me a line anytime... I'm here

March 2001April 2001 •  May 2001 •  June 2001July 2001August 2001September 2001Oct. 2001Nov. 2001Dec. 2001Jan. 2002Feb 2002

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