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Top Nine Questions of the month:


Q: How was your Thanksgiving?A: Very quiet.



Q: Do you like Turkey? A: I've never been there, but I hear it is lovely.


Q: Why do you frown so much? A: The world brings me down


Q: What makes you smile? A: You do (c:=


Q: Can you predict the future? A: Noone but one can


Q: What can I do? A: You can do almost anything you put your mind to


Q: Can you? A: I try my best.


Q: Where is the best place to live? A: Anywhere you are free.


Q: What is freedom? A: The ability to pursue your own free will without oppression.

March 2001April 2001 •  May 2001 •  June 2001July 2001August 2001September 2001Oct. 2001Nov. 2001Dec. 2001Jan. 2002Feb 2002

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