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Top Nine Questions of the month:


Q: Why is it so cold now?A: Because we are all stupid and dull



Q: Should I buy something today? A: Yes, a boat


Q: Where is a great place to live?A:Anyplace where there is food and shelter


Q: How can I lose weight A: Stop eating


Q: Who rules the world? A: John does for now, shhh be quiet...


Q: Who are you? A: My name is John


Q: Is there a conspiracy to control the masses? A: Yes, check your TV


Q: What can money buy? A: Your voice and freedom


Q: Where can I get some hope? A: I hear they are selling it at 7-11and the Wiz

March 2001April 2001 •  May 2001 •  June 2001July 2001August 2001September 2001Oct. 2001Nov. 2001Dec. 2001Jan. 2002Feb 2002

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