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Top Nine Questions of the month:


Q: Why do people talk so much? A: It is easier than doing something



Q: What should I do today? A: Go to see Shrek


Q: Do you make alot of money?A: I make enough


Q: What is the hottest fashion? A: Spandex underwear


Q: Do you think things will get better? A: They always do after they get worse


Q: How many people have donated money to you? A: Not many, you should donate some today


Q: What is the real purpose of this site? A: Sort of like reading the comics... You get to spend some time reading light material


Q: Why are you so tired?A: I try to keep busy doing things


Q: Do you realize that people are watching you? A: No, if you see them tell them to watch the birds or go fly a kite

March 2001April 2001 •  May 2001 •  June 2001July 2001August 2001September 2001Oct. 2001Nov. 2001Dec. 2001Jan. 2002Feb 2002

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